Thassos Arabesque Mosaic $19.95/SF in Honed and Polished.


Thassos Arabesque Mosaic

$19.95/SF Thassos Arabesque available in Honed and Polished. I believe Free Shipping for Feb 2016 (but do not hold me to that). As free shipping is a ‘Bonus’ and not guaranteed and can change at any time, it is dependent on supply and demand.

Our usual iPhone image. As it comes straight of the Ocean Container. Lift of the lid and take the picture in the crate. The important thing for us is our pictures are ‘Real’. (Yes, I know it is not as pretty, but it is real!) Not “Photoshopped” or studio pictures, even sample boards in retailers really are dumb for natural stone, as it changes from lot to lot. The sample boards can be 10 years old, I know I used to put them up. They will be on a different section of the quarry. Whereas online our pictures are real time and if they are not, you can call 800.308.9359 or email from 8am to 4pm EST and request pictures of the lot. Things to note:

  1. Be sure to tell them how many square feet you would need. You do not want a picture of a 100/SF lot when you need 200/SF. We are not mind readers, if we were, we would probably be doing something else, so let us in on what you need 🙂
  2. Let us know the order time frame. Products are on sale 24/7, 365. So if they take a picture of a lot. And you do not plan to order for a few weeks, while in Venato there will be ‘No’ change neither in Thassos but Bianco is different, it can have shifts in veining in appearance and Calacatta as well. Mosaics change very little as they are a mix of veining and product to create the correct look. There is always little change, but slight.
  3. In my opinion this is the best strategy, on an order with multiple items where you need it to match, so a full bathroom. Place the order. Secure the product as yours (so a GA builder cannot just wipe us out of the stock you want), but with the caveat “Do not ship until pictures approved”. Then nothing can. You get the order in, you get to control the process. It then cannot ship without your “all clear”.

In short working together is the best way to achieve the look you want. We have over 2 million square feet of incredible products at exceptional pricing, how can we do this is covered more here on this white board video. So if we work together we should achieve a great look and add value to your home. You can read out reviews, they mention our customer service people by name, as they work with these people one on one. (this is not your typical e-commerce site). Do not believe the press. A new bathroom can be a positive asset, not negative. Forget the, “expect to loose 30% of the value when creating a new bathroom” that is the industry setting you up and getting ready to, well put candidly “rip you off”. They are even telling you upfront and setting your expectations. Isn’t that amazing marketing! Tell people the same thing over and over again and they believe it. History proves that actually works. But it works when we work together your part of the process is to let us know what you want and read the Terms of Sale and the FAQ’s with particular attention to #6. Top 10 Mistakes People make (why make them again).

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