Perfect lot of Bianco Polished 2" Hexagon Mosaic Tile

Bianco Carrara 2" HexagonOccasionally Bianco Polished 2″ Hexagon is whiter than Venato.  Pictured here is Bianco 2″ Hexagon Polished Mosaic Tile

This crate of 2″ Hexagon polished Bianco caught my eye in the warehouse yesterday.  It has an incredible base, really white.  The overall base color is as white as Venato.  The veining is clear.  On a scale of 1 to 10 this is a 10.  An exceptional block was cut to make this tile.  We do have 3×6″ to match.  For this specific lot please mention this blog post dated August 28th.

Bianco Carrara Honed

Bianco Carrara HonedPremium Italian marble.  Matching products are vital to any quality bathroom project.  At the Builder Depot we can take a picture of your chosen products prior to shipping your order.  (This customer chose 2″ Hex, 3×6″ Honed, Baseboard and Pencil.  We put this together on our warehouse floor prior to shipping for approval.  A perfect match – approved!  We shipped).

Bianco Carrara Honed HexagonBianco Carrara 2″ Honed Hexagon (this lot arrived Aug 16th)

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You have most likely received a link to this page to get a refund.  Credit card companies as of January 2015 decided that they would no longer allow refunds to go through them after 30 days.  The reason: They want to keep the fees.  Some bright spark ...