Carrara Venato Honed Basketweave Mosaic Floor and Wall Tile

Carrara Venato Basketweave

Carrara Venato 1×2″ Basketweave Honed Mosaic Tile $10.95 a Square Foot and Free Shipping (prices good thru April 2016) available in Honed and Polished.

With all the designs and shapes today. Sometimes it is just a classic that is the best choice. Only $10.95 a Square Foot available in Honed and Polished and one of the best ...

Carrara Venato Polished Basketweave Mosaic Tile

Carrara Venato Basketweave PolishedThis is how Carrara Basketweave is supposed to look

Carrara Venato Polished Basketweave mosaic from The Builder Depot offers a look that has no competition.  It is second to none with it’s ridiculously perfectly white background color.  This new lot (and anticipated) arrived September 13th.    It looks really good, we can say no more – get a sample and see for yourself.