Calacatta Gold 3×6″ Subway Tile Fireplace Surround

Calacatta Gold 3x6

Calacatta Gold 3×6″ Honed Subway Tile from The Builder Depot this picture from Instagram #thetuckerzoo

Love the way this has come together. They must have used tile from the backsplash in their kitchen to match this around the fireplace. Love it and how well the Calacatta Gold goes with the wooden mantel top. This is a well organized installation.

Interesting fact about Calacatta Gold (the real genuine product from Italy as this is). There is only one Calacatta Gold quarry left in the world. That is why we frequently run out of products in the collection and cannot significantly ...

Italian Calacatta Gold Marble Tiles – Honed and Polished

Italian Calacatta Tiles MarbleCalacatta Gold to be cut into 6×12″ Honed and 6×12″ Polished for $17.95 a Square Foot

Not a Great year for Calacatta field tiles. Out of stock on the polished 3×6″ for all of 2015 and 2×12″ polished.  This is not because we could not buy Calacatta Gold, on the contrary we have refused almost 40 containers simply based on the quality and then what met with quality in early summer did not meet the price point we wanted for our customers.  But it looks like we are on a roll (literally the tile moves along these rollers). On the plus side we have ...

Calacatta Gold 3×6" Subway Tile Honed

Calacatta Subway TilePremium 3×6″ Calacatta Gold Subway Tile Honed $15.95SF

June 1st we received in a new crate of 3×6″ Calacatta Gold Subway Tile from Italy.  Here is a few tiles from the box laid out.  It is nice looking not overly busy with a really white base.  Looks great as a kitchen backsplash or in a bathroom.  Either way no one will believe you have genuine Italian stone for just $15.95 a square foot.  That is 8 tiles of finest Italian marble cut from the mountains of Tuscany, then shipped from Alpharetta, GA to your home.  Quite amazing really.  Any questions please let us know