Arrival of White Oak Hexagon Honed and Bullnose Trim

White Oak Hexagon Blog PalletWhite Oak 2″ Hexagon Honed $11.75 just arrives here is a picture inside the crate, as I lifted the lid off.

White Oak Hexagon CollectionIn this picture above I have taken the sheet white Oak Hexagon out of the box pictured above, laid it over some of the 6×24″ one of the customer service guys were using and then the bullnose next to it.  It all goes together remarkably well.

The costs: 6×24″ Honed ...

White Oak Marble Trims, Mosaics and More

White Oak Marble 1x3At last!  I have been waiting for this 1×3″ Herringbone in White Oak Marble for $12.95 a Square Foot and Free Shipping (maybe extend it into Jan – please accounting).

You can see the difference in the price from current mosaics and Free shipping is a real bonus. The price from our current Basketweave that has a bevel (which is not easy on a floor underfoot). I like some things rounded and the 3D must add some design cost. But it does seem a rather expensive OTT option. Here is the 3D Basketweave. (that price knocks me over every time, actually I can no longer look at it, it is over $20+).

For people who want a Basketweave option with 3D then great ...