These incredible pictures are from Koko Likes Blog post ‘The Kitchen Remodel: Final Reveal‘ the backsplash used our Carrara Venato 3×6″ Subway Marble Tile only $7.00SF (but like anyone that wants an incredible look, over order by 20% then you can discard tiles that do not fit the look you are trying to create)
Carrara Venato Collection (probably the whitest based Carrara in the world). See this backsplash being created on Koko Likes Blog. Please note when you see the perfect shower or bathroom in a magazine and think “I want that” and you need 90/SF, do not order 90/SF. To get the perfect look people over order and do so significantly. They throw tiles away, they pick through, they lay it out prior to install. They create a picture a master piece.