To create this look consider using our Venato 1″ Hexagon Honed $10.95SF and Venato 3×6″ Honed Subway Tile $7.00SF
You can see how white the subway tile honed has fewer veins on the tiles and some are actual blank tiles mixed in. This is what creates a whiter appearance. Blanks mixed in with the boxes is no accident.
Above is a picture of our subway 4×8” honed tile laid out in our warehouse (pic taken with just a cell phone) some tiles have veining and some are just blank. This creates a whiter look and of course a superb white base helps 🙂
Carrara 1″ Hexagon used on the bathroom floor above. The Venato 1″ Hexagon $10.95SF will give you the same whiter look.
It does not matter which mosaic you select from the Venato collection. The Venato Carrara marble collection is consistently whiter based marble to that of traditional Carrara tile. This mosaic above is our Dogbone Carrara Venato $12.95 a square foot.
Above is our Venato 3×3″ Hexagon Mosaic Tile $11.75SF again incredible white base, perfect for a whiter look bathroom.
Hi – I love the silky, white look of the 3×6″ Venato tiles in the bathroom pictures. If I wanted to order 12×24″ Venato tiles, will the tile still be as silky white with light veining as the pictures on this website?