Today arrived a new lot of 3/4″ Bianco Carrara Pennyrounds. This image shows honed, it is available in both finishes honed and polished for $14.95 a sheet
No hand model but it does not take much effort to make this Bianco 3/4″ penny round honed mosaic look pretty
This container arrived Feb 11th 2014 with the perfect lot of Carrara Bianco Pennyrounds. Both the polished and honed lots have a great look. Penny rounds are a very traditional style for anyone looking to restore homes to its original look. Market prices in high end boutique tile and stone retailers have this priced at over $40.00 a square foot. The Builder Depot with it’s no frills marketing strategy brings this premium Italian 3/4″ pennyround marble mosaic online for just $14.95 a sheet. “Reverse Sticker shock” courtesy of The Builder Depot 🙂