New Container Arrived!

Carrara Bianco 5x5 HexagonCarrara Bianco 5″ Hexagon Honed & Polished ($13.95SF)

Carrara Bianco 2x4"Carrara Bianco 2×4″ Honed ($8.50SF)

Carrara Bianco 6x12" HonedCarrara Bianco 6×12″ Subway Tile Polished ($8.00SF)

Carrara Bianco 3x8" Subway TileCarrara Bianco 3×8″ Subway Tile ($7.95SF)

A new eagerly awaited container arrived Monday 22nd.  We instantly opened several crates and took pictures (with a cell phone – nothing technical).  The pics are posted above.   We are always a little nervous when receiving new product (regardless of how much work goes into QC and selecting blocks with our guys overseas), but there was no need to be worried.  As soon as we starting opening crates we knew instantly this was a fantastic shipment.

The Bianco is whiter based than normal and the veining quality is excellent.  This is now in stock and ready to ship.  Any questions please let us know

(Please note the above picture of 3×8″ polished was just too good.  It has already sold out!  We have more inventory of 3×8″ Carrara Bianco polished arriving on the next container May 10th – it did look really, really nice!)

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